Small speech on shivjayanti

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Small speech on shivjayanti

On 19 th February 2024, Shivaji Jayanti

was celebrated in the school. The

school Principal, Sr. Philomena delivered

a speech to students during assembly,

which emphasised on the life of Shivaji

Maharaj and his great achievements.

Various activities were conducted at

school in order to create awareness in

the young minds of the students

regarding the valiant Maratha warrior,

Shivaji Maharaj. Students from Class V

to VIII enthusiastically took part in the

activities organised for them. A power

point presentation was shown to

familiarize the children with the life and

achievements of this great warrior. The

students were told to draw pictures and

make charts based on the theme of

Shivaji Maharaj. The students of Class V

and VI showcased their sketching skills

by making a portrait of Shivaji Maharaj

and also of the forts captured by him.

The students of class VII and VIII made

a collage on chart paper by taking cut-

outs of pictures which were based on

life of Shivaji Maharaj. Also some

students wrote an essay which was

based on this great warrior.

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