English essay on Health is Wealth
The the age old popular saying, ‘Health is Wealth’ is a one-line treasure indeed. Health does not mean the absence of physical troubles only but refers to a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. Even Mahatma Gandhi said, “It is health which is real wealth, and not pieces of gold or silver.”
Good health allows one to relish and savour all the pleasures in life, without any complication. Even all the riches are less precious when compared to sound health. Having all the luxuries in the world does not fulfil its purpose when one is continuously ill, depressed or suffering from a major health complication. Only a bed-ridden person, knows the significance or value of being able to walk and go anywhere. Similarly, only a blind knows the importance of having eye sight.
Good health is the secret of a happy man. Staying healthy for children is vital for proper growth and development of mind and body as they need to focus in class and fully participate in field-activities.
Good health is a cumulative product of many factors. Though, birth and illnesses are God given, the onus of our health, once we arrive into the world safe and sound, depends on us. Fresh air, sunlight, safe drinking water are very important elements for good health. A dirty and damp atmosphere causes a lot of diseases including depression. Food is another important factor for the mind and body. A wholesome diet is crucial in overall development of mind and body. Over-eating causes obesity and allied risks of heart diseases and other ailments, while, eating less causes a loss of apetite and leads to under-nourishment. Hence, one must always have a balanced diet.
Physical exercises are a must. Brisk walks, running, gymming, sports playing, etc., keep us fit physically and also release hormones that keep us happy. When one has a busy schedule and is unable to take out time for exercises, one can still increase one’s physical movements by using staircase in place of taking elevators, choosing to walk a short distance in place of using vehicles.
Lastly, one must keep one’s house a healthy place for living by keeping windows open to allow fresh air and sunlight inside. Also, one must form good habits like waking up early and keeping ourselves free from anxieties.
Therefore, one must not let one’s health take a back seat in today’s busy age where life is a rat race. While chasing material benefits like money, success, fame, etc., one must not forget to chase the goal of being healthy which is the real wealth and key to life long happiness and an important resource of everyday life.