General knowledge questions “Did You Know” Gk quiz 

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General knowledge questions “Did You Know” Gk quiz 

Q.Why is the sea water salty?

Ans. Salt is a natural substance that is found in the ocean. The world’s oceans have 50 million billion tons of salt.

Q.Why is the camel called “the ship of the desert”?

Ans. The camel moves on the sand just as easily as a ship sails on water. Therefore, camel is the best mode of transport in the desert. That is why it is called the ship of the desert.

Q.Why do dogs wag their tails?

Ans. Dogs cannot speak to express their feelings such as anger, happiness, etc. They wag their tails to show the sentiments of joy and happiness. A dog that keeps its tail up while wagging, shows its aggression.

Q.Why do flies rub their legs together?

Ans. They do so to clean their feet of the dirt and germs that may have got stuck on them when they sat on garbage or sewage or even on our food. on our food.

Q.Why should Why should we not cut trees?

Ans. Trees are an important part of our life. They give us shelter and food. They also provide us with oxygen. We get paper from trees, so we should not cut them.

Q.Why do we blink our eyes?


We blink our eyes to keep them from drying up, and to stop dust from entering and irritating our eyes. Our eyelashes serve as dust catchers.

Q.Why are leaves green in colour?


Leaves contain a green substance called chlorophyll, which makes them green in colour. The green chlorophyll helps leaves to make food for the plant.

Q.Why does popcorn make a popping sound?


Each corn kernel contains a tiny drop of water inside it. When we heat the corn, the water also gets heated. The water drop gets, bigger and runs into steam. This creates a lot of pressure inside the small corn and so it POPS!

Q.Why do hens sit on their eggs?


Hens sit on their eggs to hatch them. When the hen sits on the eggs, the eggs stay warm. The eggs need to be kept quite warm in order to hatch and also for the chicks inside them to grow and stay healthy.

Q.Why do we yawn?


Yawning is an involuntary action that causes us to open our mouth wide and breathe in deeply. We yawn when oxygen level in our lungs becomes low. The air sacs need fresh air or else they tend to stiffen up a bit. Therefore, it is believed that we yawn to get more air into the lungs.

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1 thought on “General knowledge questions “Did You Know” Gk quiz ”

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