General knowledge questions and answers Gk quiz 

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General knowledge questions and answers Gk quiz 

1. This is the huge stone structure in Egypt.

a. Opera house

b. Eiffel Tower

c. Great Sphinx


2. Which country gave Statue of Liberty to the US?

a. France

b. England

c. Italy


3. This is the Queen’s Palace. It is in England.

a. Great Wall

b. Buckingham Palace

c. White House


4. Leaning Tower of Pisa is situated in this country.

a. Italy

b. France

c. China


5. This monument is found in Moscow, capital of Russia.

a. Eiffel Tower

b. Great Sphinx

c. Kremlin


6. The Great Sphinx is a statue with a human head and the body of a :

a. cow

b. lion

c. elephant


7. This is the official residence of the President of USA.

a. White House

b. Buckingham Palace

c. Kremlin


8. This is the tallest building in the world.

a. Eiffel Tower

b. Burj Khalifa

C. Leaning Tower 


9. This is a famous landmark of France.

a. Opera House

b. Great Sphinx

c. EIffeal Tower


10/Great Wall is the famous structure of:

a. Italy

b. China

c. Eiffel Tower


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