Noun and its kinds english grammar

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Noun and its kinds english grammar


nouns are mainly of the following kinds

1.Proper noun

it is used to name a particular person place river mountain book etc it always begins with a capital letter no matter where it occurs in the sentence

the nouns in italics in the following sentences are proper nouns

  • Priya has  borrowed my English book
  • he went to Kolkata to attend his cousins marriage
  • I took bath in the Yamuna last month
  • Seema has reached the top of Mount Everest
  • I have read a lies in the Wonderland twice

2.common noun

it is used to name all things or people of one kind or same class and not a particular thing or person it begins with a capital letter only when it is the first word of sentence


  • I went to a post office to buy stamps
  • my grandmother is a religious lady
  • there were books socks and shoes all over the room
  • boys and girls wear different garments

3.abstract noun

it is used to name a quality state or action of a person or thing unlike other kinds of nouns it cannot be seen or touched but only felt


  • I go for a walk to improve my health
  • Punit is known for his honesty and sincerity
  • why don’t you care for my happiness
  • the speed of light is the fastest
  • illness has weekend him too much

4.collective noun

it is used to name a group of similar things people or places it is usually a singular number noun


  • the heart of cows raised a huge dust cloud
  • the flock of sheep is drinking water
  • Indian Navy is the best in the world
  • our class has many intelligent student
  • police was trying to stop the mob from entering the gate

countable nouns and uncountable nouns

noun switch can be counted in terms of number are said to be countable nouns examples two books three boys 100 coins it is a countable noun

file those which can only be estimated in terms of quantity are said to be uncountable nouns for example milk rice land water year etc it is called uncountable nouns


1.masculine gender

you have learnt the that nouns can be divided into musculine and feminine gender a noun that refers to a mail is said to be of the masculine gender for

example boy cock lion father

2.feminine gender

a noun that refers to female is said to be of the feminine gender


girls hen lions mother

The sentence

a group of words which makes complete meaning and sense is called a sentence.

it always starts with capital letter and ends with a full stop and! are a question mark


it is a noun phrase or a pronoun representing the person or thing that performs the action of the verb or about which something is stated it may be one word or more


  1. Virat Kohli plays cricket (noun)
  2. she dances will (pronoun)
  3. honesty always pays (one word)
  4. our new car is beautiful (thing)


the part of the sentence which contains a something about the subject is called the predicate it may be one word or many words


  1. reverse flow
  2. flowers bloom
  3. dogs bark at night

kinds of sentences

sentence or divided into different kinds according to their functions here or the main kinds of sentence

  1. assertive sentence
  2. interrogative sentence
  3. imperative sentence
  4. exclamatory sentence

1.assertive sentence

a sentence that makes a statement is called an assertive or declare to sentence this sentence may be an affirmative sentence or negative sentence this sentence has a full stop at the end

example of affirmative sentence s

  1. my brother is an engineer
  2. we are the students of the Akash Public School
  3. Robin and all star have come to meet us
  4. cement there to learn classical music
  5. raveena’s new bicycle is very beautiful
  6. our house is at the bank of a river

example of negative sentences

  1. I have no money to spend on luxurys
  2. I  did not wake up early yesterday morning
  3. Smriti does not sleep during a lecture
  4. Rohit is not a good boy
  5. we do not eat meat
  6. an elephant has no horns

2.interrogative sentence

a sentence that asks questions is called an interrogative sentence

this sentence has an interrogation mark at the end?

example of interrogative sentences

  1. can you lift this weight easily?
  2. why do you wear a jacket in summer?
  3. who will give the answer of my question?
  4. is he your younger brother?
  5. when is your parents wedding anniversary?

3.imperative sentence

percentage that expresses an order or makes a request or given an advice is called an imperative sentence

this sentence is marked by a full stop at the end.

example of imperative sentences

  1. come and sit here with me .
  2. switch off the fan and go to your room.
  3. let me to my home work .
  4. stop smoking now.
  5. please hold my books for a moment.

4.exclamatory sentence

a sentence that expresses a strong feeling of happiness sadness heart fear or surprise is called exclamatory sentence

it is marked by an exclamation mark at the end!

example of exclamatory sentences

  1. what a beautiful Palace this is!
  2. how horrible the scene was!
  3. Hurrah I have won the gold medal!
  4. Alas! His grandmother has died




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