स्वामी विवेकानंद यांच्या जीवनावर आधारित मराठी निबंध Swami Vivekananda’s 

Swami Vivekananda

स्वामी विवेकानंद यांच्या जीवनावर आधारित मराठी निबंध Swami Vivekananda’s  विवेकानंद यांचा जन्म १२ जानेवारीला नरेंद्रनाथ यांचा जन्म.12 जानेवारी 1863 मध्ये झाला. ते एक भारतीय हिंदू  आणि एकोणिसाव्या शतकातहणून संत रामकृष्ण याचे मुख्य शिष्य होते, त्यांचे वडील, विश्वनाथ दत्त हे एक वकील होते, आणि त्याची आई भुवनेश्वरी देवी, भक्ती, मजबूत चारित्र्य आणि इतर गुणांनी संपन्न होती. … Read more

English Essay on Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda

English Essay on Swami Vivekananda ivekananda was born as Narendranath Datta on 12 January, V 1863. He was an Indian Hindu monk and chief disciple of the nineteenth century saint Ramakrishna. His father, Vishwanath Datta, was a successful attorney, and his mother. Bhuvaneshwari Devi, was endowed with deep devotion, strong character and other qualities With … Read more

Essay on “Noise Pollution”(200,300,400 word’s)

Noise Pollution

Essay on “Noise Pollution”(200,300,400 word’s) oise pollution refers to excessive noise in the environment, that N may harm the activity or balance of human or animal life. Loud music at neighbour’s place or community centres around from an event in the vicinity, incessant honking, sound made by airplanes flying above one’s buildings, etc., are all … Read more

Essay on “Poaching in India”(300,500 word’s)

Poaching in India

Essay on “Poaching in India”(300,500 word’s) Poaching, in simpler terms is the illegal killing, hunting or capturing of animals. Though, there exist a number of laws against this practice, it however, continues unabated. Poaching is carried out mainly for the purpose of trade of animal products like animal skin, teeth, horn, bone, etc. Poaching is … Read more

Essay on “River Linking Projects”(200,300,400, word’s)

River linking project

Essay on “River Linking Projects”(200,300,400, word’s) ng is the linking of two or more rivers by creating a iver linking R network of manually created canals and providing water to land areas that otherwise do not have river water access. River linking projects is the new rage in Indian administrationes The Indian rivers inter-link is … Read more

English essay on “Tourism in India” (150,200,300,500 words)

English essay on "Tourism in India"

English essay on “Tourism in India” T ravel and tourism industry is an important and the largest service sector in India. In 2012, the contribution industry to the nation’s GDP stood at 6.6%. of the tourism A geographically vast country with rich historical background and cultural heritage, India is a tourist’s delight. As each of … Read more

Essay on “Disaster Management”(200,300, 500 word’s)

Essay on "Disaster Management"

Essay on “Disaster Management”(200,300, 500 word’s) A disaster can events such be defined as any tragic event stemming from as earthquakes, floods, catastrophic accidents, fires For explosions. Disasters can cause significant physical damage or destruction, loss of life or drastic change to the environment. Disasters can be both man-made and natural. Man-made disasters are stampedes, … Read more

Pollution: school english essay (200,300,500, word’s)

Pollution: school english essay 

Pollution: school english essay (200,300,500, word’s) A Threat to Environmental Wealth ollution is a cause of grave concern for the whole PThe last century has of mankind. seen the rise of this menace assume gigantic proportions, so much so, that it has spread its tentacles to envelope the entire nature and the world. Pollution is … Read more

माझी सुंदर शाळा शालेय मराठी निबंध my beautiful school

माझी सुंदर शाळा शालेय मराठी निबंध my beautiful school  माझी सुंदर शाळा my beautiful school  माझी शाळा खूप सुंदर आहे माझ्या शाळेमध्ये अनेक उपक्रम होतात मी नेहमी उपक्रमात भाग घेते मला माझी शाळा खूप आवडते. माझ्या शाळेमध्ये अनेक वर्ग खुले आहेत शाळेमध्ये खूप विद्यार्थी आहेत सर्व विद्यार्थी खूप अभ्यास करतात. माझ्या शाळेमध्ये सात शिक्षक आहेत … Read more